Herbal and Nutritional Remedies for Common Health Problems
At the Haelan Centre we wish to do all we can to help you to help yourself. Overcoming a health problem is rarely as simple as taking a pill and hoping it will go away - it's far more exciting than that! Illness can be your guide and inspiration to explore new ways of living life to the full. Additionally, learning from minor illness may well help you to avoid more serious degenerative illness later on in life. Although you will find information on herbal and nutritional remedies here, we try to place equal emphasis on the importance of a good diet, exercise and emotional balance.
Important Note: If you are on medication; or have long standing health problems or undiagnosed health problems it is always best to seek advice from a professional health practitioner. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are powerful agents. Do not use them lightly; do not exceed the recommended dose. When self-prescribing, be aware that you are responsible for your own actions, watch carefully how you react to the remedies. If you notice any adverse reaction, stop taking the remedy and seek professional advice. See also Disclaimer.
Different Ways of Detoxing
Raw fruit fasts and juicing diets may not be the right choice for everyone. Here is a selection of detoxifying diets with information on herbal support for the detoxing process.
Help for Hayfever Sufferers
Essential reading for all hayfever sufferers! A guide on using diet and natural remedies to reduce or eliminate annoying symptoms.
Combating Candida albicans
A popular handout with advice on diet and natural remedies for managing yeast related health problems.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Information on the different types of PMS and how to alleviate them using natural methods.
Natural Health During Pregnancy
Contains a wealth of information on diet, safe herb use, flower remedies and advice on using aromatherapy oils during this special time.
Mother and Baby
Advice on healing after childbirth; natural baby care products; and simple and safe homeopathic, herbal and flower remedies.
Get Rid of Head Lice
No need for chemical treatments! A guide to treating head lice naturally and preventing recurrent infestations.