What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic medicine that dates back as far as the time of Hippocrates. Although it was a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, who in late 18th Century e brought homeopathy into greater prominence. The name homeopathy is taken from two Greek words meaning “similar suffering” or “like cures like”. This is one of the main homeopathic principals - that a substance which would normally create symptoms of disease in a healthy person, also has the potential to heal those symptoms in a sick person.
Homeopathy does not claim to ‘cure’ any specific disease but rather to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal itself by administering the most ‘similar’ remedy to the patient’s symptom picture. A homeopath sees symptoms as a sign that there is an imbalance in the body, a cry for help. and seeks to treat the whole person.
Homoeopathic medicines (which we call remedies) are prepared by specialist pharmacies and are given as tablets or sometimes as tinctures.
How can homeopathy help?
Homeopathy treats the person rather than just the (physical) symptoms of the disease, which in conventional and many other medical disciplines often means suppressing symptoms. During a case-taking we look at you holistically, and spend the initial consultation asking you lots of questions about your current state of health (ie why you are here), your personal and family healthy history, your diet, sleep patterns, likes and dislikes, emotional and physical responses to change with the aim of finding out how you got to be where you are today.
Homeopathy has the potential to help treat both physical and more mental emotional conditions – acute and more chronic longer-term. It is successful in helping people during all stages of life – from pregnancy through childhood, adulthood and into old age
Homoeopathy is especially useful in the following:
All stages of pregnancy – from pre-conception & childbirth
Infant & Childhood ailments – coughs, colds, sore throats, ear aches, tummy aches, skin eruptions, diarrhoea, constipation, teething, behavioural issues
Teen issues – skin eruptions, period pains, headaches, anxiety, behavioural problems
Respiratory, problems (recurrent tonsilitis, sinus issues, coughs, colds)
Digestive problems (IBS, colitis,
Skin conditions (acne, eczema, dermatitis., psoriasis, verrucae, warts)
Fungal conditions (candida, thrush)
hormonal imbalances, Menopause, anxiety, stress, insomnia
Mental and emotional problems (grief, anxiety, insomnia, stress)
Support recovery post-surgery
Musculoskeletal problems and sports injuries
It is also very useful in helping older people and can be used alongside traditional medical treatments to help with many conditions associated with ageing such as arthritis and rheumatism
How long before you see results?
This will depend on how long you have had the particular condition and what sort of treatment, if any, you have had previously. We will discuss this during your initial appointment.
Initially, appointments are usually at monthly intervals – unless the situation is more acute then appointments may be more frequent.
Saskia Schreuder practices Homeopathy at the Haelan Clinic on an ad hoc basis.