Help for Hayfever Sufferers
Methods of reducing the symptoms
Beneficial foods and nutritional supplements
Cut down on mucus forming foods
Aromatherapy for hayfever sufferers
What is Hayfever?
Hayfever is a seasonal form of allergic rhinitis. Symptoms include itchy, red sore eyes, frequent sneezing, sinusitis and excess catarrh. The symptoms can lead the sufferer to become tired, irritated and depressed.
Methods of Reducing the Symptoms
Try to avoid the pollen; the worst times are in the morning and evening when the most pollen is released. Try not to go into high pollen areas at these times. Have frequent showers - splashing your face with cold water and bathing your eyes will help to wash away the irritants.
Treatments for Hayfever
If you have had hayfever for several years running and/or if the symptoms are really severe, it is advisable to visit a practitioner. Ideally treatment should commence before the hayfever season starts. Treatments that would be suitable are: acupuncture; Chinese herbs; homeopathy; medical herbalism. Massage, aromatherapy and shiatsu offer an excellent supporting treatments where the hayfever is linked to stress.
Diet and Nutrition
Many symptoms may be brought under control through dietary change and/or nutritional support. It is always best to get your nutrients from food but for extra nutritional support choose food state vitamins, they are more readily absorbed and utilised by the body than ordinary vitamins. A period of detox or a short fast is highly recommended to cleanse the system in early spring in preparation for the hayfever season. See Detoxing and Fasting.
Beneficial Foods and Nutritional Supplements
Hayfever sufferers should try to emphasize the following foods in their everyday diet:
Beta carotene rich foods such as the red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are also rich in Bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Hayfever sufferers require greater amounts of these nutrients. Try to find good quality food, organic if possible - the vitamin levels will be higher and it will be free of synthetic pesticide residues.
Supplement your diet with food state beta-carotene and vitamin C as well as eating these foods (alternatively try the Anti-oxidant Formula or the Smokers Formula).
Dark green foods are also helpful as they help to eliminate excess toxins in the body. They also contain large amounts of beta carotene. Choose dark green leafy salads like watercress, rocket and chard; vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, freshly picked nettles, green beans and kale. Seaweeds are also beneficial due to their high mineral content.
Supplement your diet with spirulina, blue green algae, wheatgrass, or chlorella as well as including these foods in your diet. See the Green Superfoods page to see which one would be suitable for you.
Sprouted seeds and bean sprouts are also very beneficial. Add to salads and soups.
Garlic helps to reduce excess catarrh, eat two raw cloves a day (have on toast or stir into food at the end of cooking) or take a garlic supplement.
Yoghurt is cooling and has a mild anti-histamine effect, eat plain unflavoured, organic acidophilus yoghurt in moderate amounts.
Pollen (half a teaspoon a day) is said to help the condition. Check for an allergic reaction to pollen in this form by taking one pellet before you try a larger dose. In the unlikely event that you feel any itching or tingling in your mouth, do not use.
Aloe Vera has mild anti-histamine properties. Take the juice internally diluted in water. It is also good for the digestion and skin problems. Used externally (as a gel) it alleviates allergic rashes - pack a tube of Aloe99 gel for picnics or countryside outings.
Oats are calming to the nervous system and contain significant quantities of B vitamins and minerals. See Porridge Recipe. If you are suffering from stress, it is advisable to take Vitamin B Complex.
Salad days
Try to have one meal a day that consists of mainly raw or lightly steamed vegetables and salad ingredients. Combine this with small amounts of protein, such as nuts, seeds, fish or tofu. Dress salads with a garlic, olive oil and cider vinegar dressing; flavoured with local honey and herbs.
Cut down on mucus forming foods
Many people notice a marked reduction in symptoms, simply by reducing their intake of these foods.
Dairy: all dairy produce is mucus forming. In an ideal situation one would cut it all out, excepting yoghurt, but for many this is very difficult. Goats, sheep, rice, oat and soya milk products are preferable to cow's milk products, which should be avoided totally. The dairy products you do eat should be organic. Eat dairy in small quantities.
Refined foods: cut out white bread, white rice, white pasta, white sugar and brown sugar (still a highly refined product). Substitute wholemeal versions of these foods - for sweetener use Rapadura (dried sugar cane juice) agave syrup; maple syrup or brown rice syrup.
Processed foods: avoid pre-packaged foods that contain additives you would not use in your own cooking, (E numbers for example).
Alcohol: if you can't avoid it dilute it with carbonated water (ideal for white wine and whisky), or alternate each drink with a large glass of water.
Tea and coffee: regular consumption of caffeine drinks make it more difficult for the body to cope with stress. They also deplete the absorption of minerals. Substitute them with Rooibosch tea, green tea or herbal teas. There are many herbal alternatives to coffee - dandelion coffee is the nicest tasting and most beneficial to the health.
Wheat: some people find that avoiding wheat and wheat products during the hayfever season helps to alleviate symptoms. Check how you react when eating wheat products. Wheat allergy symptoms include asthma and itchiness (itchy throat, scalp and skin irritation).
Herbal Remedies for Hayfever
Herbs may be taken as teas, tinctures, juices or capsules. Choose those which you feel most comfortable with.
Important Note: If you: are pregnant, breast feeding or plan to become pregnant, have a long standing illness, have undiagnosed health problems, are on medication, it is always best to seek advice from a professional health practitioner. If taken as directed, herbal and homeopathic remedies are very safe, but they are powerful medicines. Do not use them lightly; do not exceed the recommended dose. When self-prescribing, be aware that you are responsible for your own actions, watch carefully how you react to the remedies. If you notice any adverse reaction, stop taking the remedy and seek professional advice. See also Disclaimer.
Hayfever Tea: The Haelan Centre mixes a Hayfever Tea (which is also very good for chesty conditions). Made up of herbs that help to reduce catarrh and are mildly anti-histamine. The tea contains the following herbs: Ephedra; Elder Flowers; Eyebright; Euphorbia; Yarrow; Vervain; Comfrey leaf; Nettle Leaf. Start drinking this tea as early as possible, preferably before the hayfever season starts. If you are unused to taking herbal tea see: How to Make a Herbal Infusion. Take the tea two or three times a day, every day. For contra-indications see box above. Hayfever tea should not be taken by people who suffer from high blood pressure or glaucoma.
Other herbal teas: that are beneficial are: Goldenrod, Chamomile German, Plantain, Lemon Balm and Dandelion (the roasted root makes an ideal coffee substitute)
Juices: The Schonenberger juices that are beneficial for the condition are Nettle (stronger anti-histamine action than the tea or tincture); Ribwort Plantain (particularly good for excess catarrh and wheezing) Freshly pressed carrot juice is very beneficial as are other freshly pressed fruits and vegetables.
Tinctures: The Haelan Centre HOlistic Pharmacy offers a specially formulated Allergy Mix which is particularly useful for hayfever symptoms. Other herbs that are useful are Euphrasia (irritated eyes); Goldenseal or Oregon Grape Root (excess mucous); Plantago (excess mucous and wheezing); Propolis (irritated throat) Echinacea (immune system boost); Nettle (itchiness and to support detoxification).
Combination remedies, select only one of the following:
Ephytem Summer months blend for general hayfever symptoms
Lanes Herbalix Specific where there is sinus congestion
Herbetom Pulm is a good choice where there is wheezing, It is gentle and effective, it may be used from age 3 onwards.
Bioforce's Luffa complex is a homeopathic tincture for hayfever, can be used for children over 2 years.
Petasites herbal extract of butterbur which has been shown in a trial to be as effective as anti-histamine medication. Not recommended for children under 12, unless under the care of a health practitioner.
Eye soothers: Eyebright tea may be used in an eyebath, see How to make an eyebath. Alternatively use the Helios Mother TIncture of Euphrasia, use 1 drop to 15ml cooled boiled water. Eupharsia is particularly useful where there is a lot of discharge from the eyes. Aloe Vera gel may be patted gently around irritated eyelids.
Essential oils that are suitable for Hayfever sufferers include: Lavender, Chamomile Roman or German (all calming and anti-inflammatory); Pine (strengthening and clearing); Juniper (detoxifying); Eucalyptus - choose the gentler Radiata (clearing); Cedarwood (good for chesty conditions); Niaouli (particularly good for sinus congestion); Rosemary (uplifting and clearing).
Let your nose be the guide as to which one would be most beneficial for you. The oils may be used in burners baths and massage oils or a few drops may be inhaled from a tissue. Try adding one drop of Niaouli to 5ml of base oil and massaging into the sinus areas on either side of the nose, the forehead and where the back of the head meets the neck.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy treats the individual person as opposed to looking at just the physical symptoms. To be sure a remedy is the right one for you, it might be necessary to visit a homeopath. Deeper constitutional tTreatment is best started before the hayfever season commencesthis will allow your body to becvome more responsive to the remedies mentioned below.
It is not ideal to treat yourself unless you have had the constitutional remedies prescribed, but iIf you wish to treat yourself, try to match the emotional as well as physical symptoms given for each remedy. You may find that symptoms get slightly worse before they improve - this is a good sign. If in doubt, consult a homeopath. Whilst taking homeopathic remedies, do not drink strong coffee or eat anything with a strong peppermint flavour. Take the remedies away from food. The following remedies are widely used for hayfever. Take in the 30th potency, as directed on the label.

Biochemic Tissue Salts
The twelve biochemic tissue salts correspond to the principle inorganic materials found in the body. They are prepared homeopathically and are used in a similar way to homeopathic medicines. Like the above homeopathic remedies, they may be used safely by pregnant or nursing women and children.

Bach Flower Remedies
Flower essences help to treat the emotional symptoms associated with hayfever. The choice will be different for each individual. Below are some flower remedies that are common choices for hayfever sufferers.
Written by Julia Moore CHEK level 1 Holistic Lifestyle Coach